Sunday, 27 May 2012

May 2011

This hasn't been the best year so far.

I came into the year with a broken rib
I had a virus that knocked me for six
My dad died of cancer
I was dumped

But the great news is:
I have a few ultras planned this year
I'm on an NLP course this week
I have bought four chickens
The dog has stopped wetting her bed
Happy days

Sunday, 22 January 2012

2012 and on

A broken rib had led to a slow start to 2012.

I still took part in the Matlock raft race with friends but haven't done much else.

This is the start of getting back to a fitness level I need.

A short run today and some mountain walks next weekend in the Lakes.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Stag Night

I was sent a link to the BBC News from a few years ago today.

That was a night to remember.

We were on a stag night - Five or more pints a slippery lock gate and a woman unconscious on the concrete - what would you do?!
I added someone to my Christmas card list!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Back from the jungle

With battered feet and tiredness I have returned from the heat of the jungle to the cool of Derbyshire - Photos and report to follow.....

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Jungle Marathon

I woke early this morning and checked the temperature in Brazil not bad - only 21 degrees. As I went for my run in sorts and vest I realised it was 4am in Brazil!
It may be cooler in Hell!

Now the dog is at her holiday retreat, my bags are packed, hotel is booked and all my travel documents are ready to go I have a few butterflies.

Keep up to date by checking the Jungle Marathon website.

Feel free to send me encouraging words - I may need a few!


Saturday, 1 October 2011